Want to become an RPHSA member? Visit the RPHSA Membership to find the membership form.
Disclaimer- The rules listed below should be referenced if there are any disputes or questions regarding the eligibility of rider and/or horse. RPHSA reserves the final right to any rule modifications, interpretations or decisions.
o/f= over fences
u/s= under saddle
consistency= a steady pace into and out of lines, for all lines within a course.
Little Riders Walk-Trot Equitation: To be judged on straightness and consistency. Correctness of riders position to be emphasized. Diagonals to count.
Open to beginner riders age 9 and under who have never shown in a canter class or over fences in a previous season. This division is intended for our youngest riders who are learning to safely navigate around other horses or over poles while simultaneously asking their horses to trot. The division may include: In-hand (non-riding, showmanship), Walk and/or Trot Equitation Over Poles (individual course) and Walk-Trot Equitation on the Flat (group). The In-hand class will judge a rider’s ability to demonstrate control of their animal and may include, but is not limited to, walking, jogging and halting; class is not judged on conformation of animal. If a rider would like to enter cantering or jumping classes mid-season, then he/she will not be eligible to earn crossrail division points until the following year. The other option is to show hors concours (unjudged) in jumping classes for mileage. The Little Riders classes may be judged by someone other than the show’s primary hunter judge. The division shall be included at each RPHSA show. All Little Rider classes will be tabulated together for final Little Riders year-end division championship. If rider was previously a year-end Champion or Reserve Champion in Little Riders division, he/she is no longer eligible in Little Riders division.
Rookie Walk-Trot Equitation: To be judged on straightness and consistency. Correctness of riders position to be emphasized. Diagonals to count.
Open to beginner riders who have never shown over fences in a previous season. All ages. Rider may also cross enter into Crossrail division but will become ineligible if he/she shows in RPHSA classes 2’0” or higher. Minimum of 1 equitation over poles class and 1 equitation on the flat must be offered at each show. Division flat classes will be walk-trot only, there will be no cantering. All equitation classes will be tabulated together for final Rookie division year-end championship. Riders are eligible for this division if they have previously shown in a canter class but not if they have ever shown over fences in a previous season. If rider was previously a year-end Champion or Reserve Champion in Rookie division, he/she is no longer eligible in Rookie division.
Limit Rider Crossrail Equitation: To be judged on straightness and consistency. Correctness of riders position to be emphasized. Diagonals and leads to count. Trotting for lead changes not penalized; flying lead changes to be rewarded. Extreme speed to be penalized.
Fence heights up to 18" max, only crossrail allowed up to 12" at lowest point of crossrails, no flower boxes. Open to beginner riders in their first or second year of showing. All ages. Minimum of 2 eq o/f and 1 eq flat must be offered at each horse show. Flat classes will be WALK-TROT only, there will be no cantering for flat classes. All equitation classes will be calculated together for final Limit Rider Crossrail Equitation division championship. Equitation classes are only open to competitors in their 1st or 2nd year of showing over fences with rider never having showing over 2'3". If the rider shows over 2'3", then he or she is no longer eligible for this division. Oxers are prohibited.
Flower Box Crossrail Hunter: To be judged on straightness, consistency and quality of horse and manners. Trotting for lead changes not penalized; flying lead changes to be rewarded. Extreme speed to be penalized.
Fence heights up to 18" max, crossrail or small verticals allowed, flower boxes included. Courses will not include diagonal lines. Open to all horses and riders. Minimum of 2 o/f and 1 under saddle must be offered at each horse show. Flat classes will be WALK-TROT-CANTER. All Flower Box Crossrail Hunter classes will be calculated together for a final Flower Box Crossrail Hunter year-end division championship. Riders cannot cross-enter into classes 2’3 and higher at the same show. Oxers are prohibited. If horse/rider combination was previously a year-end Champion or Reserve Champion in Flower Box Crossrail division, he/she is no longer eligible in Flower box Crossrail division.
Beginner Rider Hunter: To be judged on consistency and quality of horse and manners. Trotting at an point over fences to be penalized. Way of going and quality to be emphasized. Extreme speed to be penalized.
Fence heights to 2'0", oxers prohibited. Open to any rider never having shown over 2'3". All ages. Minimum of 2 hunter o/f and 1 hunter u/s must be offered at each horse show. All o/f and flat hunter classes will be calculated together for final Beginner Rider Hunter division championship. This division is not for experienced riders on green horses, rather those riders should enter the Twin Cities Hunter division. Division will be split by age: 14 & under and 15 & older. If horse/rider combination was previously a year-end Champion or Reserve Champion in Beginner Rider Hunter division, he/she is no longer eligible in Beginner Rider Hunter division.
Beginner Rider Equitation: To be judged on consistency and quality of horse and manners. Trotting at an point over fences to be penalized. Way of going and quality to be emphasized. Extreme speed to be penalized.
Fence heights to 2'0", oxers prohibited. Open to any rider never having shown over 2'3". All ages. Minimum of 1 eq o/f and 1 eq flat must be offered at each horse show. All o/f and flat equitation classes will be calculated together for final Beginner Rider Equitation division championship. Division will be split by age: 14 & under and 15 & older. If rider was previously a year-end Champion or Reserve Champion in Beginner Rider Equitation division, he/she is no longer eligible in Beginner Rider Equitation division.
Twin Cities Hunter: To be judged on consistency and quality of horse and manners. Trotting at an point over fences to be penalized. Way of going and quality to be emphasized. Extreme speed to be penalized.
Fence heights to 2'0". Open to all riders, all ages. Oxers prohibited. Min of 2 hunter o/f and 1 u/s must be offered at each horse show. All o/f and u/s classes will be calculated together for final Twin Cities Hunter division championship. No equitation classes should be offered for this division. Twin Cities Hunter horses can also show in the Modified division at the same RPHSA show. Trotting on course is permissible.
Minnesota Hunter: To be judged on consistency and quality of horse and manners. Trotting at an point over fences to be penalized. Way of going and quality to be emphasized. Extreme speed to be penalized.
Fence heights to 2'3", oxers are allowed. Open to all riders, all ages. Open to all horses. Min of 2 hunter o/f and 1 u/s must be offered at each horse show. All o/f and u/s classes will be calculated together for final Minnesota Hunter division championship. No equitation classes should be offered for this division. Minnesota Hunter horses can also show in the Twin Cities or Modified division but not the Open division at the same RPHSA show. This division is not restricted.
Modified Hunter: To be judged on consistency and quality of horse and manners. Trotting at an point over fences to be penalized. Way of going and quality to be emphasized. Extreme speed to be penalized.
Fence height 2'6". Open to all riders, all ages. Oxers acceptable. Open to all horses. Min of 2 hunter o/f and 1 u/s must be offered at each horse show. All o/f and u/s classes will be calculated together for final Modified Hunter division championship. No equitation classes should be offered for this division. Modified Hunter horses can also show in the Open division at the same RPHSA show. This division is not restricted.
Pre-Childrens/Adult Hunter: To be judged on consistency and quality of horse and manners. Trotting at an point over fences to be penalized. Way of going and quality to be emphasized. Extreme speed to be penalized.
Fence height 2'6"; oxers acceptable. Open to any rider who has never shown over 2'9". All ages. Minimum of 2 hunter o/f and 1 hunter u/s must be offered at each horse show. All hunter and u/s classes will be calculated together for final Pre-Childrens/Adult Hunter division championship. Professionals are not eligible for any of these classes. If horse/rider combination was previously a year-end Champion or Reserve Champion in Pre-Childrens/Adult Hunter division, he/she is no longer eligible in Pre-Childrens/Adult Hunter division.
Pre-Childrens/Adult Equitation: To be judged on consistency and correctness of riders position over fences and on the flat. Extreme speed to be penalized. Simple changes to be penalized. Sitting trot, halt, and half seat may be asked for on the flat.
Fence height 2'6"; oxers acceptable. Open to any rider who has never shown over 2'9". All ages. Minimum of 1 eq o/f and 1 eq flat must be offered at each horse show. All equitation o/f and u/s classes will be calculated together for final Pre-Childrens/Adult Equitation division championship. Professionals are not eligible for any of these classes. If rider was previously a year-end Champion or Reserve Champion in Pre-Childrens/Adult Equitation division, he/she is no longer eligible in Pre-Childrens/Adult Equitation division.
Open Hunter: To be judged on consistency and quality of horse and manners. Trotting at an point over fences to be penalized. Way of going and quality to be emphasized. Extreme speed to be penalized.
Fence height 2'9"-3'3". Open to all riders, all ages. Minimum of 2 hunter o/f and 1 u/s must be offered at each horse show. Two sections can be offered at each show between 2'9" and 3'3". Horse can only be entered in one section per show. All points will be combined for year end award. All o/f and flat classes will be calculated together for final Open division championship.
Junior/Amateur Equitation: To be judged on consistency and correctness of riders position over fences and on the flat. Extreme speed to be penalized. Simple changes to be penalized. Sitting trot, halt, and half seat, lengthening of stride and limited no-stirrup work may be asked for on the flat.
Fence heights 2'9"-3'3"; oxers acceptable. Open to any junior or amateur rider. Minimum of 1 eq o/f and 1 eq flat must be offered at each horse show. All equitation o/f and u/s classes will be calculated together for final Open Equitation division championship. Professionals are not eligible for any of these classes.
Blue Ribbon Crossrail Jumper (limited year-end division): fence height to 18". Open to professionals, amateurs and juniors. No oxers or combinations. Maximum time allowed. Blue ribbon awards to clean round (no refusals, rails or time penalties). *Must accumulate min of 40 pts to earn year-end award.
Blue Ribbon 0.65m Jumper (limited year-end division): fence height to 0.65m. Open to professionals, amateurs and juniors. No oxers or combinations. Maximum time allowed. Blue ribbon awards to clean round (no refusals, rails or time penalties). *Must accumulate min of 40 pts to earn year-end award.
0.75m Childrens Jumper: fence height up to 0.75m; no combinations but oxers are permitted. Open to all riders 17 & under. Minimum of 2 classes offered at each show.
0.75m Adult Jumper: fence height up to 0.75m; no combinations but oxers are permitted. Open to all riders 18 & older. Minimum of 2 classes offered at each show. Open to amateur riders only, no professionals.
0.85m Childrens Jumper: fence height up to 0.85m. Open to all riders 17 & under. Minimum of 2 classes offered at each show.
0.85m Adult Jumper: fence height up to 0.85m. Open to all riders 18 & older. Minimum of 2 classes offered at each show. Open to amateur riders only, no professionals.
0.90mJumper: fence height from .90m to 1.0m. Open to all riders, all ages. Minimum of 2 classes offered at each show.
1.0m Jumper: fence height 1.0m. Open to all riders, all ages. Minimum of 2 classes offered at each show.
1.05m+ Jumper (limited year-end division): fence height 1.05m or higher. Open to all riders, all ages. Minimum of 2 classes offered at each show.
Hors Concours (aka Mulligan, Do-Over) may be permitted if the schedule allows. The horse cannot compete in a subsequent class at the same or higher height, however the rider may compete in subsequent classes. No jump-off allowed in Table 2.2b class formats.
DRESSAGE SPECIFICIATIONS- Points follow a horse and rider combination. See full RPHSA dressage specifications (pdf).
Overall Year-end Award (Champion & Reserve)---Junior Introductory
Overall Year-end Award (Champion & Reserve)---Amateur Adult Introductory
Overall Year-end Award (Champion & Reserve)---Junior Training
Overall Year-end Award (Champion & Reserve)---Adult (Open) Training
Overall Year-end Award (Champion & Reserve)---Upper Level (All Ages)
DRESSAGE YEAR-END INDIVIDUAL CLASS DIVISIONS- The following classes will each receive Year-end Individual Class ribbons 1st through 5th place*:
Junior Intro Test A
Junior Intro Test B
Junior Intro Test C
Adult Amateur Intro Test A
Adult Amateur Intro Test B
Adult Amateur Intro Test C
Junior Training Test 1
Junior Training Test 2
Junior Training Test 3
Adult (Open) Training Test 1
Adult (Open) Training Test 2
Adult (Open) Training Test 3
1st Level- Test 1 (all ages)
1st Level- Test 2 (all ages)
1st Level- Test 3 (all ages)
Combined 2nd & 3rd Levels- All Tests (all ages)*
~Points accrue per test and are not combined with other tests at the same level. For example, if a rider showed 2nd Level-Test 1 and 2nd t Level-Test 2, points remain separate and are not combined when determining winner of 1st Level Individual Class.
~Rider must be registered as Red Pine member on or before the show in order to accrue year-end division and individual class points for that show.
~Points awarded per class are: 1st-10pts, 2nd-6pts, 3rd-4pts, 4th-3pts, 5th-2pts, 6th-1.5pts. If there are more than 10 entries in a class, points are doubled.
*Horse/rider combination must accrue a minimum of 5 points in an individual class per season in order to receive a year-end individual award.
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