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  RPHSA Membership

Last name/First Name/Discipline(s)

(as of 3/3/25)

Andrews Lucy H/J/D
Birch Jennifer H/J
Bos Brynley H/J
Brassow Ella J
Carlson Kaitlyn H
Chalupsky Laura H/J/D
Cloose Kelby H/J
Eibensteiner Chloe H/J/D
Fehr Vail H/D
Fore Whitney H/J
Gambach Betsy H
Gambach Emma H
Geislinger Charlotte J
Greeninger Danielle H
Greeninger Hailey H
Hess-Johnson Lucie J
Hovde Jen H/J
Jerome Kathleen H
Johnson Felix H/J
Johnson Fiona H/J
Johnson Heidi Discipline(s)
Johnson Jocelyn H/J
Johnson Melanie H/J
Johnson Pierce H/J
Johnson Rowan H/J
Johnson Sloane H/J
Jones Sophie H/J/D
Kalantari Lailey H/J/D

  RPHSA Membership List 2025

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  • Find results from each show?Visit the Calendar of Events for results.
  • Want to become an RPHSA member? Visit the RPHSA Membership to find the membership form.

2025 Annual Membership 

  • One discipline--- $40.00 per rider
  • Two disciplines--- $50.00 per rider
  • Three disciplines--- $55.00 per rider

Rider must be a registered member at a competition for horse and rider to be eligible for year-end awards. It does not matter if you are a junior. amateur, or professional.

Join now for your points to count towards year-end awards!

  • How do I know what divisions I am eligible to show in? Visit the FAQs page.

Last name/First Name/Discipline(s)

(as of 3/3/25)

Kaske Katelyn H/J
Kenyon-Schmidt Laura H/J
Kuyath Laurie H
Laurent Chloe H/J/D
Lindahl Isabelle D
Loeffelholz Natalie H
Lubar Elle H/J
Magevas Vicki H/J
Maher Embry H/J/D
Marko Olivia H/J
Merkatoris Bridgette J/D
Nay Becky H/J
Nelson Makayla H
Ordway Emily H
Reiter Drue H/J/D
Romazck Gracie H
Schmidt Finleigh H/J
Shremp Kendall H/J
Spicola Brigid D
Spicola Caitlin H/J/D
Stepan Katelyn H
Thelen Kylah H/J
Wille Teagan H
Winga Genevieve H/D
Zaal Skyylar H/J
Zimmerman  Josie H/J
Zimmerman-Enger Alma D